viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

シンペイ へ の 手紙

First of all… Heelloooooo! :D
Let me introduce myself, my name is Pikacha (just kidding, but I don’t like my real name LOL) , I live in Argentina (do you know where that is, right? :P)… Naturally, English is not my mother tongue, but neither is yours! So let’s do our best to understand each other, okay? :3

Well, where do I start? Uhm… Yeah, I know: let’s start for the obvious: fanatism! There’s been no longer than a few months since I’ve first listen to your music, first trough Breakerz and then with Muscle. And let me say something: I don’t really know how to explain it, but your melodies have SUCH energy inside that makes me happy just by listening to them. And of course, the lyrics are super powerful. It’s kinda embarrassing to say this, but whenever I’m depressed, I like to listen to Bygones for its lyrics, because they make me think that all the things that made me sad are in the past, and tomorrow is gonna be better. (Okay, that sounded super embarrassing! >.<)
Now, let me be just a liiiittle girly, but I honestly believe that you’re really handsome *_* I mean, it may sound stupid, but when I look at your pictures of Grand Finale video, I think to myself “if I had had a classmate like this, secondary school would’ve been a lot easier to me”. I don’t know how is it in Japan, but here, teengers are really mean to whoever is different (I used to be a “metal girl”, so I dressed all in black with bracelets and chains hanging out of my trousers). And I like to imagine you in high school, being all rebel and everything, and I think that someone like you would have been a huge positive influence to me back then. But still, you ARE a huge influence to me nowadays, I think positively thanks to your songs (both BRZ and Muscle).
And let me say something: I really REALLY admire you being abstainer, from both alcohol and junk food. I am abstainer myself, and I’ve been this way for so many years, I barely drank alcohol during my teen years because I’ve never liked it (I can’t still get away from junky food though). But I’m no one in the world, you are a member of a very popular band, and I think that you can influence the fans into stop drinking and stuff like that. I don’t know, seeing you with your bottle of water surrounded by the guys from Muscle drinking beers makes me think that just by holding that bottle, you’re influencing a lot of people.
Finally… Well, I’d like to know if there is a chance, even the tiniest one, for you to come to my country. You know?, I have a Breaker friend just like me who would kill to see you and the guys live at least just once in our lives. Or even if BRZ or Muscle don’t do a world tour, would you consider coming here as a tourist? Please please please please? I don’t want to sound stalker, but we could give you a tour here, and you’d have such a great time! I know Argentina is a country full of problems, but we have beautiful places here for you to visit ^_^

And last but not least… 日本語 言葉 ! 日本語 2年 学生 . 日本 行きますいつ?分からない。。。でも。。。私 日本 行きます、絶対 行きます!
心から の ありがとう、シンペイ様. Thanks for your music, your jokes, your photos and your happiness. YOU make US happy when you post something on Twitter or your Blog (I don’t know how to say that in Japanese, sorry u_u). 本当に ありがとうございます

Pikacha! (Twitter: @DyeInMyHead)

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